Misinformation på sociale medier – kurset for offentlige SoMe-kommunikatører
Som offentlig SoMe-kommunikatør spiller du en nøglerolle i den offentlige debat. På dette kursus bliver du klædt teoretisk, strategisk og praktisk på til at understøtte en åben, demokratisk debat på sociale medier for dit ministerium, styrelse, kommune eller region.
Course purpose
Kursets formål er at styrke offentlige kommunikatørers redskabskasse ift. at kommunikere i et miljø præget af misinformation.
The aim of the course is that the participants can create a new strategic starting point for communicating on social media, so that the communication activities support an informed, inclusive and democratic society.
Course progress
The course is a mix of presentations and practical work with your own communication. The course is led by a facilitator. In addition, a number of presenters with scientific expertise and practitioners who share how they have solved specific challenges participate.
The students get feedback on their own communication on social media and revise strategy, method and content types to relevant extent.
This is what you'll achieve on the course
- Faglig indsigt i definitioner og typer af misinformation
- Redskaberne til at forholde jer effektivt til misinformation
- Værktøjer til at sætte klare mål for jeres indsats i forhold til misinformation i jeres SoMe-strategi
- A new way to address misinformation on social media and promote an open debate - we call it Democratic Communication on SoMe
- En guide til jeres community-managere om misinformation
- Input til at rådgive talspersoner med officielle profiler på SoMe om, hvordan de bør forholde sig til misinformation
- Insight into how authorities appear to citizens and what this means for your communication
Your teachers
The primary lecturer is Katrine Thielke, M.Sc. in Information Science. She teaches three social media courses at the Danish School of Journalism, Strategic Communication at the University of Copenhagen and has written several books on conflicts and trolling on social media. She has extensive practical experience in addressing misinformation on social media - from content to comment tracks.
The course is for you who…
- … Is a SoMe employee in a public authority
- ... is directly or overall responsible for the social media activities in your authority
- … contributes with content to the authority's social media
- … is the head of communications or a social media manager that has an existing social media strategy that needs to be revised
You need to have good basic knowledge of social media and practical knowledge of one or more platforms. The course is not an introduction to working with social media in general.
Price ex VAT: 500 Euro
The course will be carried out online via Zoom.
Kursusdag i 2024:
- Torsdag den 14. marts 9-16
Place: Klub, Linnésgade 25, Copenhagen
Registration: Registration in this form - electronic invoice is issued subsequently.