
Photo: Pixabay

ProPublica fights for an honest democracy in the 21st century. Below you can find our strategy and what we will spend our efforts on in the coming years. 

Overall, we will work to introduce and implement clearer rules, standards and criteria for democratic, public communication from authorities and ministers. 

The strategy operates within the framework of the UN global goals. Especially goal no. 16, whivh is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, about providing access to justice for all and about building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

ProPublica fights for an honest democracy in the 21st century.

1. A stronger informed democracy 

Citizen must be able to trust the information that form the basis of initiatives from public authorities and ministers, regardless of whether you agree with the initiatives or not politically. 

Public communicators must not only act as good examples and support an informed debate with room for different points of view. They must also help strengthen citizens' skills in the information society in general.

We will put special focus on misinformation and disinformation in the public sphere and among public communicators. We will strengthen public communicators' knowledge of misinformation and disinformation and how authorities should address it.

ProPublica's think tank, network and academy must contribute to generating more knowledge about the effect of misinformation on society and what citizens perceive as misinformation and disinformation. Experience must be shared across regions, countries and disciplines.

2. Easier access to the democratic debate

We will fight inequality in the information society. Citizens must be able to participate in the democratic conversation regardless of what they earn, how long they have been in school and what algorithms they are exposed to. 

Through ProPublica's think tank, network and academy, public communication and press employees' awareness of and skills to give all groups in society access to the common, democratic conversation must be strengthened. 

We will work to generate new knowledge about methods and dynamics that limits and enables one's ability to communicate with everyone.

We will work to ensure that the authorities lift their responsibility to create am inclusive common democratic conversation space.

3. New communication technology must benefit everyone

The internet and social media have revolutionized the framework and content of democratic conversation.

We will work to ensure that our community can utilize the huge potential of new communication technology to include far more people far better in the joint democratic conversation.

And we want to fight the downsides that the new technology entail, for example socially and demographically.

4. More people must participate in democracy

Trust in popular government is waning. We will support ideas that rethink democracy and put the people at the center of decisions in the people's government.

We will strengthen the skills of public communicators to support participatory democracy. Knowledge of democratic forms of involvement and how public communication can contribute to this must be shared.

ProPublica's think tank, network and academy must generate and share new insights and experiences about how participatory democracy can take place on a foundation of informed, democratic conversation.
